Current and Past Projects
Throughout his professional career, Tom has utilized his interpretive training, management experience, and network connections to further the mission of the various institutions where he has worked. His leadership at governmental, non profit and professional associations, when combined with his extensive training and professional development, has provided the foundation for organizations to enhance and expand their visitor engagement and support.

Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust - Orland, ME
Working in collaboration with the Board of Directors, professional staff and community stakeholders, a foundational Interpretive Planning Document was developed to provide the roadmap for enhancing the visitor experience to the Trust's Wildlands preserve. This included extensive interviews, field work and researching the thematic approaches for creating an expanded narrative of the Wildlands.
Completed in 2024

Community Based Learning Projects - Unity, Maine and Beyond.
During my tenure as a faculty member at Unity College in Maine, I over saw the completion of over 50 Interpretive Prospectus for college and community non profits. Included in the clients were Sebasticook Regional Land Trust, Sheepscot Wellspring Conservation Trust, Midcoast Conservancy, Hills to Sea Trail, Waldo County Trails Coalition, Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association, Unity Barn Raisers, Town of Fairfield Parks and Recreation, Belfast Parks and Recreation, Towns of Waterville, Unity, Clinton and Liberty, and Lake George Regional Park to name a few.
Over the same period of time I oversaw the completion of hundreds of Interpretive Media projects that were developed for community organizations. This typically included a interpretive brochure/guide, wayside/kiosk and a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint, website, audio tour, etc.)
Natural resource planning with an Interpretive twist were all part of over 50 senior capstone projects that included the oversight of developing community based Park/Preserve General Management Plans as well as baseline conservation easement documentation for many of the same organizations listed above.
The Community Based/Service Learning approach to undergraduate and graduate teaching was a cornerstone of my teaching pedagogy at Unity College and has continued with my adjunct teaching at University of Tennessee Martin, Humboldt Polytechnic, and Stephen F. Austin State University. In recognition of my teaching ability I was a recipient of the Donald J. Harward Service Learning Teaching Award from the Maine Campus Compact.
I have presented on Interpretive thematic topics at over 50 professional conferences throughout the United States. See CV for details.

Strategic/Volunteer Management Planning Projects